Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dawn's powder degreaser really works

I read somewhere online in my searches for solutions about Dawn's power degreaser. I decided to give it a try so bought it at walmart along with some SOS pads.

I sprayed the degreaser on and let it sit for a good hour inside of a plastic bag so fumes don't go around (being pregnant have to use this method). I rinsed it off and then went at it with the SOS pads and a whole lot of elbow grease. After the first round of this I was amazed with the difference, so I decided to do it again.The result?

Like new shiny burners.

other great item you can use from your kitchen Olive Oil - this of course I keep in my kitchen but use it with a soft cloth (t-shirt) for cleaning the smudges off my stainless steel appliances.

for more natural house cleaning solutions go  HERE

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