Sunday, March 7, 2010


One way I’ve found to really save money is by making your own cleaning solutions!

I'd buy cleaning items only when they are FREE or less than .50ea so If you don't find a sale soon with these simple homemade tricks you will be doing the chores without sacrifice $$$
These solutions literally cost about 40 cents or so to make, as opposed to the $3 - $4 price tag you’ll often see on cleaners.Following are some tried and true “recipes” for homemade cleaning solutions. Just a few simple ingredients, and you’re on your way to some effective and thrifty cleaners!

Homemade 409

2 Tbsp. Distilled White Vinegar1 Tsp. Borax1/8 cup Dawn Dishsoap1 cup Hot WaterPour vinegar, borax and hot water into spray bottle.Then continue filling spray bottle with cool water.Add dawn dishsoap last. No need to shake.This is a great cleaner, because the vinegar acts as a disinfectant!

Homemade Laundry Stain Remover

I have a baby and a toddler=a lot of stains in t-shirts , and this stain remover has never let me down!1/3 cup Dawn Dishsoap1/3 cup Ammonia3 Tbsp. Baking Soda1 cup Water Mix all ingredients together and store in an empty spray bottle (I use an old “Shout” spray bottle)If you haven’t tried making your own cleaning solutions, I’d highly encourage you to try! You might be amazed at how much $$ you’ll save!

Homemade Fabric Softener

If you’re not sure how to use the inexpensive Suave, try this recipe for homemade fabric softener

6 cups hot water

3 cups white vinegar

2 cups Suave Conditioner (I use refreshing watrefall mist-or any smelling fresh conditioner)

Combine the hot water and conditioner and shake or stir until the conditioner is dissolved. Add the vinegar, mix well and your ready to go.

Homemade "Soft Scrub"

1 2/3 cu. baking soda

1/2 cu. liquid hand soap (NOT dish soap - too bubbly)
1/2 cu. water
2 Tbsp white vinegar

Mix baking soda and soap in a bowl (using a fork works well). Add water and mix until smooth. Add baking soda and mix. Pour into your container.
I use an old 24oz ketchup bottle with a squirt-top for this cleaner - works well. You do have to shake it pretty vigorously before you use it because all the baking soda settles to the bottom!

Natural Air Freshner

This is great after you cook fish or have any unpleasant odor in the house
Orange peels, 1 cup of water, a teaspoon or so of vanilla is nice too. If you're nervous about leaving something going on the stove unattended, there are little crock pots that are safe for this. I leave mine covered so the water doesn't evaporate as quickly, the smell still fills the whole house nicely.

Making your own natural air freshener is a nice inexpensive way to get toxins out of your home.

For more Frugal Tips, visit Biblical Womanhood.

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